Creative brain intelligence is very, very influential in the individual when they have to make modifications and information when they need to melakuakan integration of all who have known and stored in its memory. The role of creative intelligence becomes so dominant as an individual persolalan have to deal with real issues in everyday life. Human brain The human brain has basically functioned in parts integrated functions, while still adhering to the rules of a particular system hierarchically organized. Based on its function, the brain was composed of several parts such functions are: 1. Right Hemisphere - Left 2. Lymbic 3. Brain Reflex 4. Neural Brain Creativity 5. Conscious / sub-conscious Brain
1. Right Hemisphere - Kiri
Hemisphere function section has been divided into two functions, namely: a. Right Hemisphere (Right Brain) Brain Raight will work and work of the stimulus sensations that are global. The global nature of the stimulus will be presented at a stimulus language, art and persepsional stimulus. b. Hemisphere Left (Left Brain) Left Brain is part of the brain function that will work and respond to stimuli sensations that are details. Details stimulus would appear on more sensations logical stimuli, praktris and aritmatis. When the two parts of the brain function of this work, they are connected by nerve fibers called the corpus callosum.
2. Lymbic System
Lymbic system is part of the brain function that works to respond to the emotional sensations themselves. In general, an individual's limbic system is divided into 3 (three) of functions, namely: a. Reptilian Brain of Reptilian Brain; brain function that works to accept biological and instinctive stimulation. Respond raised by the brain function is defense and attack and escape. b. Mamalian Brain Brain Mamalian ie; part of the brain function that works merespond stimulus sensations that involve feelings and needs. c. Brain Brain Humanity Humanity is; part of the brain function that works and merespond stimulus sensations that are normative, so as of this brain humanity is more of a control system of the two parts of other functions. Part of brain function is only possessed by humans.
3. Brain Reflex
Brain Reflex, namely: the function of the brain in charge of controlling whether the oxygen needs are met within the brain. 4. Neural Neural Creativity Creativity Brain Brain consists of two parts function, namely: a. Brain Brain Pheripheral Pheripheral namely; part of the brain that serves to do integration between the parts other brain functions hierarchically, so as enable people to behave in adaptive and able to learn something well. b. New Brain New Brain, namely: the functioning of the brain to the findings of a new sensation that allows individuals to create new ideas.
Creativity Neural Intelligence (NCI)
Creativity Neural Intelligence (NCI) or the brain Creative Intelligence is the output from a combination of Pheripheral New Brain Brain and direct impact on the optimization of the work function of the brain. The output from both hemispheres of the brain functions will then be the basis of individual capabilities to be a Smart Creative. Creative brain intelligence will be very influential person to the success of the days of adult life, especially when their problems in daily life. Positive output Brain Creative Intelligence
There are some positive output produced by the creative intelligence in a person, namely: 1. That originality; fruit of thought that has a high value of authenticity. 2. Sense of Humor That is; ability to create and adapt to the feelings of good humor. 3. That is Alternativitas; fruit of thought that leads to the discovery of an issue with several possible solutions that effectively and efficiently. 4. That innovation capability; ability to modify some of the fruit of thought into a new concept of thinking. 5. That adversity; sensitivity piker power so that mamu obstacle to change into a challenge and opportunity. 6. That harmonization; sensitivity to fruit can combine ideas and harmonize some sense into a coherent sequence. 7. That is the effectiveness and efficiency; sensitivity fruit can find ideas for the concepts of appropriate ideas, facilities and time. 8. That Enrichment; ability to make the enrichment of the findings that have been there before. 9. That is Artistikalitas; sensitivity fruit can generate ideas for materials and ideas that have value beauty. 10. That adaptability learning; ability to adapt to new information. Level Development
Creative brain intelligence in Interval Scale:
The development of the creative intelligence of an individual can be measured and categorized in 5 (five) categories of the interval, 1. 250-399 Low Performance 2. 400-499 Normal 3. 500-699 Superior 4. 700-899 High Performance 5. 900 to the Magna Performance
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