Human brain [1] is the central structure that has a volume setting of about 1.350cc and consists of 100 million nerve cells or neurons. The human brain is responsible for setting the whole body and the human mind. Therefore, there is close connection between the brain and mind. Brain and nerve cells is believed therein may The parts of the human brain
Brain Home
The most prominent part of the brain is the brain, located at the front of the brain. The cerebrum consists of two parts, namely the left and right hemisphere. Each side of the body to regulate and serve the opposite, namely the left side of the body to regulate and serve the right, otherwise set the right hemisphere and the body serves the brain the left if the left hemisphere impaired the right side of the body will be hurt, and even paralysis. Each hemisphere of the above mentioned divided into four lobes namely the frontal, pariental, okspital, and temporal. Between the frontal lobes and lobe sulcus pariental dipishkan by Rolando centralist or cracks.
The brain is composed of two layers namely, the outer layer (cortex) and inner lining.
1. Outer layer
The outer layer is a thin layer of gray bewarna. This layer contains nerve cell bodies. Surface layer of the cortex folds, so that the surface becomes more widespread. Cortex layer there are different kinds of nerve centers.
2. Layer in
Layers in a layer of white bewarna. Containing many layers of nerve fibers, which Dendrite and Neurit
The brain is the main nerve center, because it has a very important function in regulating all body activities, especially related to intelligence (intelligence), memory (memory), awareness, and consideration. In detail, the activity is controlled in a different area. In front of the slit center (groove centralist) there is a motor area which controls voluntary movement. The bottom of the motor cortex is associated with the ability to speak. Anterior regions of the frontal lobe associated with the ability to think. In the rear (Posterior) entralis groove is sensory areas. In this area of the nature of feelings felt and interpreted. Regional hearing (auditory) temporal lobe is located mpada. In this area, the impression or the sound is received and interpreted. Regional visual (sight) is located at the end of the occipital lobe which receives the image and subsequent images were interpreted. The taste and smell centers located in the temporal lobe of the anterior end.
Area in front of the brain is also important is the hypothalamus and thalamus. The hypothalamus is a small area located in front of the brain base and weighs a few milligrams. The hypothalamus serves as a central regulator of body homeostasis, such as related to body temperature regulation, thirst, hunger and satiety, of urine, setting expenditure pituitary gland hormone from the anterior and posterior parts, and reproductive behavior. Thalamus is located next to the hypothalamus, serves as a relay station for sensory information is sent to a large brain. Thus, the thalamus will select and distribute implus-implus important sensory brain leading to large
The most prominent part of the brain is the brain, located at the front of the brain. The cerebrum consists of two parts, namely the left and right hemisphere. Each side of the body to regulate and serve the opposite, namely the left side of the body to regulate and serve the right, otherwise set the right hemisphere and the body serves the brain the left if the left hemisphere impaired the right side of the body will be hurt, and even paralysis. Each hemisphere of the above mentioned divided into four lobes namely the frontal, pariental, okspital, and temporal. Between the frontal lobes and lobe sulcus pariental dipishkan by Rolando centralist or cracks.
The brain is composed of two layers namely, the outer layer (cortex) and inner lining.
1. Outer layer
The outer layer is a thin layer of gray bewarna. This layer contains nerve cell bodies. Surface layer of the cortex folds, so that the surface becomes more widespread. Cortex layer there are different kinds of nerve centers.
2. Layer in
Layers in a layer of white bewarna. Containing many layers of nerve fibers, which Dendrite and Neurit
The brain is the main nerve center, because it has a very important function in regulating all body activities, especially related to intelligence (intelligence), memory (memory), awareness, and consideration. In detail, the activity is controlled in a different area. In front of the slit center (groove centralist) there is a motor area which controls voluntary movement. The bottom of the motor cortex is associated with the ability to speak. Anterior regions of the frontal lobe associated with the ability to think. In the rear (Posterior) entralis groove is sensory areas. In this area of the nature of feelings felt and interpreted. Regional hearing (auditory) temporal lobe is located mpada. In this area, the impression or the sound is received and interpreted. Regional visual (sight) is located at the end of the occipital lobe which receives the image and subsequent images were interpreted. The taste and smell centers located in the temporal lobe of the anterior end.
Area in front of the brain is also important is the hypothalamus and thalamus. The hypothalamus is a small area located in front of the brain base and weighs a few milligrams. The hypothalamus serves as a central regulator of body homeostasis, such as related to body temperature regulation, thirst, hunger and satiety, of urine, setting expenditure pituitary gland hormone from the anterior and posterior parts, and reproductive behavior. Thalamus is located next to the hypothalamus, serves as a relay station for sensory information is sent to a large brain. Thus, the thalamus will select and distribute implus-implus important sensory brain leading to large
Central Brain
Midbrain (diensefalon) humans is quite small and not conspicuous, located in front of a small brain and bridge Varol (Pons Varolii). The bulk of the middle brain in most vertebrates is the optic lobes of different ukrannya. In mammals (including humans) are korpora kuadrigemina (optic lobe sebgai at low levels Vertebrata) which helps coordinate movement of the eyes, the size of the eye pupils (wide / narrow), and certain auditory reflexes. In addition, the midbrain contains centers that control balance and nerve fibers that connect the brain with the brain behind the front, and also between the brain and eyes. Baguan midbrain is the brain stem. All files nerve fibers that carry sensory information entering the brain through the thalamus to the middle
Midbrain (diensefalon) humans is quite small and not conspicuous, located in front of a small brain and bridge Varol (Pons Varolii). The bulk of the middle brain in most vertebrates is the optic lobes of different ukrannya. In mammals (including humans) are korpora kuadrigemina (optic lobe sebgai at low levels Vertebrata) which helps coordinate movement of the eyes, the size of the eye pupils (wide / narrow), and certain auditory reflexes. In addition, the midbrain contains centers that control balance and nerve fibers that connect the brain with the brain behind the front, and also between the brain and eyes. Baguan midbrain is the brain stem. All files nerve fibers that carry sensory information entering the brain through the thalamus to the middle
The brain behind
The brain behind the bridge include Varol (pons Varolii), advanced marrow (medulla oblongata), and a small brain (cerebellum). It forms the third part of the brain stem.
1. Varol Bridge (Pons Varolii)
Varol bridge contains nerve fibers that connects the left and right lobe of the cerebellum, as well as a small brain connected with the context of a large brain.
2. Sum sum advanced (medulla oblongata)
Advanced marrow or medulla oblongata to form the lower part of the brain stem and pons Varoli connect with the spinal cord (spinal cord). Advanced marrow serves as a central regulator of respiratory implus way forward to stimulate muscle nerve between the ribs and diaphragm. In addition, the central regulatory role sebgai physiological reflexes, such as heart rate, air pressure, body temperature, widening or narrowing of blood vessels, digestive tool motion, and the digestive gland sekrresi. Another function is to regulate reflexes, such as coughing, sneezing, and flashes
In between there are advanced marrow thalamus consisting of two bumps. The role of the thalamus as a place to continue to implus sensory regions in the cortex of the brain to put together. In addition, the thalamus has connections to various parts of the brain is the place sehiingga traffic implus between parts of the brain and srebrum.
Anterior thalamus is the hypothalamus which acts regulate the function of internal organs (visceral). Hypothalamus regulate various functions, such as body temperature, sleep, drink (thirst), emotions (angry, happy, angry), and reproductive behavior. In addition, the hypothalamus is also the place that affect spending Neurosekresi on pituitary hormones.
Little Brain
Small brain (cerebellum) is the largest part of the brain back. The cerebellum is located in the occipital lobe of cerebrum take. The cerebellum consists of two parts and grooved surface. Small brain function is to regulate the attitude or posture, balance, and coordination of muscle movements that occur consciously. If there is injury to the small brain, can cause interference with the attitude and muscle coordination. The movement became uncoordinated, such person is not able to put food into his mouth.
Development of Human Brain
Stages of human brain development similar to other vertebrates. Begins immediately after conception occurs blastosis cell division that is very fast. Within days blastosis divided into three layers structure called embryonic pieces (the embryonic disk). Each layer would then be turned into the main organic systems, namely:
1. Endoderm layer
Also known as the inner lining. This layer will turn into a series of internal organs such as the digestive organs, respiratory and others.
2. Mesoderm layer
Also known as the middle layer. This layer will turn into skeletal structure and muscles.
3. Ectoderm layer
Also known as the outer layer. This layer into the surface of the skin, hair, nervous system, including organs or sensory perception.
After this developing nervous system of the brain in a way that is, when neurulation body ectoderm folds to form neural tube (neural tube). Neural tube and differentiate back into the subdivision front of the brain, midbrain and spinal cord (spinal cord).
There are changes in the size and complexity of most tree-dendrites of nerve cells. The development of brain structures after birth (postnatal) can be divided into two processes are
1. Protomap cortical areas where the differences occurred in the early formation of the cortex and is caused by intrinsic factors, where the activity of neurons is not required.
2. Protocortex cortical areas where differences occur later in the cortex and perkemangan dependent on extrinsic factors such as input or input from other parts of the brain and sensory systems, neuronal activity therefore necessary. In the adult division of cortical area affected by the information from the thalamus and the interaction with other areas in the brain through inter-regional relations