Salute! Switch

Intelligence Coaching Brain

Meditation Reduces Anxiety

People do not doubt that the human brain or mind is a product of nature's most mysterious and arouse a sense of awe. Every progress of time, technological advances such as increasingly rapid, caused by the brain works. All the disappointments, successes, and human failures are the direct result of how people use the mind or brain. Could stay put to good use mind or otherwise ignored.

Training techniques encountered intelligence lately, one that can be done is to sports. Research DR.RWDawers (United States) said, those who from an early age often do moderate exercise, gymnastics, aerobics and jogging in old age has a sharpness of mind and better memory. If breathing and meditation has long been known to bring positive influence to the intelligence of the brain. Here are some conclusions from the workshop of the National Institute of Mental Health in the United States in 1984:

1. Fitness positively associated with mental health and body.

2. Mild exercise is performed with joy reducing emotional stress such as anxiety and low self-esteem.

3. Exercise can reduce levels of depression, stress and confusion

4. Sports and meditation for a long time can avoid the possibility of mental illness.

5. Exercise can reduce muscle tension nerve

6. Can learn to control and defuse emotion.

Better functioning

From the results of the study also note that the exercise and meditation helps the brain to function better, intelligent and elegant. Moderate exercise such as breathing exercises and meditation for 20-30 minutes with a frequency of 3-5 times a week, it is important to develop the body's metabolism. Good also for the development of the cardiovascular system and lungs.

Research shows that stress and depression related to loss or disruption dengen NE in the brain. However, breathing exercises and meditation will increase NE levels in the brain, which can train the brain intelligence.

When doing exercise and meditation increase the production of pituitary gland and causes betaendorfin rise in blood concentration and brain. The result can reduce pain, anxiety, depression, and feeling tired. So with meningkanya alpha waves during meditation, providing psychological benefits, including reduced anxiety. (D)

People do not doubt that the human brain or mind is a product of nature's most mysterious and arouse a sense of awe. Every progress of time, technological advances such as increasingly rapid, caused by the brain works. All the disappointments, successes, and human failures are the direct result of how people use the mind or brain. Could stay put to good use mind or otherwise ignored.

Training techniques encountered intelligence lately, one that can be done is to sports. Research DR.RWDawers (United States) said, those who from an early age often do moderate exercise, gymnastics, aerobics and jogging in old age has a sharpness of mind and better memory. If breathing and meditation has long been known to bring positive influence to the intelligence of the brain. Here are some conclusions from the workshop of the National Institute of Mental Health in the United States in 1984:

1. Fitness positively associated with mental health and body.

2. Mild exercise is performed with joy reducing emotional stress such as anxiety and low self-esteem.

3. Exercise can reduce levels of depression, stress and confusion

4. Sports and meditation for a long time can avoid the possibility of mental illness.

5. Exercise can reduce muscle tension nerve

6. Can learn to control and defuse emotion.

Better functioning

From the results of the study also note that the exercise and meditation helps the brain to function better, intelligent and elegant. Moderate exercise such as breathing exercises and meditation for 20-30 minutes with a frequency of 3-5 times a week, it is important to develop the body's metabolism. Good also for the development of the cardiovascular system and lungs.

Research shows that stress and depression related to loss or disruption dengen NE in the brain. However, breathing exercises and meditation will increase NE levels in the brain, which can train the brain intelligence.

When doing exercise and meditation increase the production of pituitary gland and causes betaendorfin rise in blood concentration and brain. The result can reduce pain, anxiety, depression, and feeling tired. So with meningkanya alpha waves during meditation, providing psychological benefits, including reduced anxiety.

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Kang Chandra
My name is Chandra Kurniawan, Now I still continue my school at Vocational High School 2 in Indonesia, I want to explore our knowledge that related with technology computer and bye....


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