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Defragmentation of Intelligence

The human brain is composed of neurons that reach the total amount of 1 trillion. Although small, the neuron is said that a processing speed equivalent to one unit of a computer. Adam Kho through his book "I am Gifted, So Are You" says that when the brain is written in digital form will be made along the 10.5 million kilometers. When the farthest distance the earth and the moon is about 406,720 km, then our brain capacity equivalent to 25 times the journey from earth to the moon. Additional information again, the Super Great Memory book says that, if every 10 seconds put the information into our brains to 100 years, the human brain is still not yet filled half. There are some researchers who tried to quantify the capacity of the brain, there is mention 3 terabytes, and there is also a call to reach 1000 terabytes.

Such enormity of our brain capacity, but unfortunately we only use less than 1% of them. And a genius like Albert Einstein, also is said to use only 5% of our brains.

Which means what? Humans have the same brain capacity, the implication is true we all have the grasp of a similar learning materials. And no stupid people on this earth!

Hach, but in a smart classroom and others do not? That's because retrieval system (search again) different people. Intelligent person is someone who has a good retrieval system. As I mentioned previously above, the human brain's capacity may reach terabytes in 1000, imagine if our laptops terabytes of capacity in 1000, would slow to search files, especially if the physical location of the file is not well ordered broken alias in various places in our hard disk.

What is the way retrieval system so good? There are many ways of computing that can be done, at least to overcome the information that is not well ordered, we use the Defragmenter tool. Defragmentation? yes, do defragmentation on your head!

For the record, says wikipedia, defragmentation is a process for handling files that experienced internal fragmentation. A fragmented file which is said when the file does not occupy a room adjacent to each other in physical storage. Fragmentation can cause a storage subsystem search operations more data, so in other words, fragmented files can slow the system works, especially when conducting operations related to storage media.

So when we receive the subject matter, in fact we all managed to catch all taught by our teachers or lecturers. But there is that we keep on earth and there is thrown on the moon, this is called fragmentation that.

Next how to defragment so we can get our brains? The trick is to repeat the lesson. Repeating a lesson, that's the interesting material that had been thrown on the moon so close to the earth, so much faster when we are looking back. And this is in accordance with the said Adam Kho, that intelligent people are those who neuron-neuron connected to each other (neural-connection). The more neurons the relationship, the more intelligent we are in a field. Intelligence that we can practice!


Kang Chandra
My name is Chandra Kurniawan, Now I still continue my school at Vocational High School 2 in Indonesia, I want to explore our knowledge that related with technology computer and bye....


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