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Benefits of Longan (Euphoria Longana)

If the ancestral land known as litchi ong guo yes or dragon eye fruit, then Indonesia's popularly known as fruit 'cat eyes'.

Flog restless for no reason? You might think to use a sedative. Better, do not rush the chemical drugs. Which naturally is much better, safer, and menyenangan to try.

One drug natural repellent is restless litchi. Small, round fruit that comes from the Chinese mainland is still a family with rambutan and lychees. Longan is appreciated by the public in Indonesia, because it feels good, sweet and refreshing. Many of these fruit serving as a dessert, or consumed as a snack on when talking or watching television.

If the ancestral land known as litchi ong guo yes or dragon eye fruit, then Indonesia's popularly known as 'cat eyes'. This was another nickname for litchi fruit is much like the eyeball. The pulp is round, white, clear, and watery. Amid the fruit seeds are black or dark brown.

Benefits of Fruit Flesh
This pattern is fruit flesh content of sucrose, glucose, protein, fat, vitamin A, vitamin B, tartarik acid, and chemical compounds of plants (phytochemicals) are useful options for health. The combination of phytochemical compounds gave birth to various benefits, including mengedurkan nerve. Hence, in the literature mentioned longan provide potent calming effect and overcome anxiety, insomnia, and difficult to concentrate.

Also longan pulp is also useful and good for the heart can cure heart pounding. In the book mentioned therapies fruit longan fruit can also strengthen the spleen, increased production of red blood, increase appetite, and increase energy, so it is best consumed by people who are in the recovery process after illness stamina. Litchi fruit is also useful for healthy bowel and improve food absorption process, launched urination, overcome worms, healthy eyes, cure headaches, vaginal discharge and a hernia.

Benefits roots, leaves, and seeds
Part of the berkasiat litchi plants not just fruit alone. Roots and leaves a bitter taste longan which, even the hard seeds also keeps the drug efficacy. Litchi roots peluruh efficacious as urine and blood circulation. Leaf efficacious as anti-inflammatory and fever relievers. The seeds are useful for relieving pain and stop bleeding. Litchi seed is also used as a preservative syampo, because they contain saponin compounds that can produce large amounts of foam.


Kang Chandra
My name is Chandra Kurniawan, Now I still continue my school at Vocational High School 2 in Indonesia, I want to explore our knowledge that related with technology computer and bye....


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