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Benefits of Longan (Euphoria Longana)

If the ancestral land known as litchi ong guo yes or dragon eye fruit, then Indonesia's popularly known as fruit 'cat eyes'.

Flog restless for no reason? You might think to use a sedative. Better, do not rush the chemical drugs. Which naturally is much better, safer, and menyenangan to try.

One drug natural repellent is restless litchi. Small, round fruit that comes from the Chinese mainland is still a family with rambutan and lychees. Longan is appreciated by the public in Indonesia, because it feels good, sweet and refreshing. Many of these fruit serving as a dessert, or consumed as a snack on when talking or watching television.

If the ancestral land known as litchi ong guo yes or dragon eye fruit, then Indonesia's popularly known as 'cat eyes'. This was another nickname for litchi fruit is much like the eyeball. The pulp is round, white, clear, and watery. Amid the fruit seeds are black or dark brown.

Benefits of Fruit Flesh
This pattern is fruit flesh content of sucrose, glucose, protein, fat, vitamin A, vitamin B, tartarik acid, and chemical compounds of plants (phytochemicals) are useful options for health. The combination of phytochemical compounds gave birth to various benefits, including mengedurkan nerve. Hence, in the literature mentioned longan provide potent calming effect and overcome anxiety, insomnia, and difficult to concentrate.

Also longan pulp is also useful and good for the heart can cure heart pounding. In the book mentioned therapies fruit longan fruit can also strengthen the spleen, increased production of red blood, increase appetite, and increase energy, so it is best consumed by people who are in the recovery process after illness stamina. Litchi fruit is also useful for healthy bowel and improve food absorption process, launched urination, overcome worms, healthy eyes, cure headaches, vaginal discharge and a hernia.

Benefits roots, leaves, and seeds
Part of the berkasiat litchi plants not just fruit alone. Roots and leaves a bitter taste longan which, even the hard seeds also keeps the drug efficacy. Litchi roots peluruh efficacious as urine and blood circulation. Leaf efficacious as anti-inflammatory and fever relievers. The seeds are useful for relieving pain and stop bleeding. Litchi seed is also used as a preservative syampo, because they contain saponin compounds that can produce large amounts of foam.

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About Passion fruit

 Passion plants not native to Indonesia, but it is a plant that originated from South America for Foreign Affairs of the State of Brazil, which spread to Indonesia. Passion in their home country grows wild in the forest-wet forest which has hundreds of Passiflora Species.

Passion fruit plants have been developed in several provinces, especially in North Sumatra, West Sumatra, Lampung and South Sulawesi.

Passion fruit cultivation can be developed in an integrated partnership between farmers either incorporated in the farmers' groups or cooperatives with passion fruit processing company as the core enterprise. Passion fruit market opportunities and their processed products is very large both in the country and abroad. Demand has increased while the production can not keep up.

In Indonesia there are 4 (four) types of cultivated Passion:

1. Purple passion fruit (Passiflora edulis var. Edulis)

2. Konyal passion fruit (Passiflora lingularis

3. Yellow passion fruit (Passiflora edulis var. Flavicarpa).

4. Erbis Passion Fruit (Passiflora quadrangularis).

Purple passion fruit is more developed in North Sumatra and South Sulawesi. These plants can grow on 800 1500 m altitude above sea level. Passion fruit plants propagated by cuttings and connection techniques. The recommended system is a vine with live plants, including bamboo shoots, without using wires.

Passion fruit can be eaten fresh, but most of the pulp is extracted and preserved through the heating or cooling. Sari passion fruit has a distinctive aroma and strong, sour taste, can be a natural concentrates. If added sweeteners (sugars) and diluted so it will be very comfortable and suitable to be mixed with other juices. Typical processed product is ice cream, sherbet, nentar, fruit juice, concentrate, squash, jams, and jellies.

Passiflorance a lot of passion fruit contained in efficacious to appease the nerve, passion fruit is also a source of some vitamins, especially vitamin C and vitamin A. In addition, passion fruit benefits health among others, to heal the body is weak after the illness, loss of appetite, anemia accompanied by pale lips, was cold in the limbs and dizziness, lack of milk after childbirth, and to restore
Passion Fruit Benefits include:

    1. Cancer ward
    2. Overcoming insomnia
    3. Overcoming cough
    4. Anti allergic
    5. Calming hyperactive children
    6. ASI launches
    7. Maintain facial beauty
    8. Lowers cholesterol
    9. Widen the blood vessels that have refinements
   10. Circulation
   11. Anti-inflammatory
   12. Fever (anti piretik)
   13. Preventing hypertension
   14. Pain relief (analgesic)
   15. Antiseptic
   16. Facial wrinkle remover
   17. Maintaining fitness
   18. Antibodies

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Fruit benefits Chrysophyllum

This brown fruit, in West Sumatra region better known as ketchup, although in Indonesian called sapodilla, Minang people more familiar with the title of this fruit sauce.

Beneath the sweet taste, it saved a lot of benefits. Sap of the fruit and leaves, can be used as a diarrhea medication. In addition, the resin can be used to mix candy. For the purposes of diarrhea, use approximately 15 drops of the sap of young fruit, and then brewed with 1 / 2 cup of hot boiled water. Seduhan results taken at the same time.

Besides these ways, also can be used both ways. Take one young sapodilla fruit, washing it clean. Then grated, then squeezed and filtered. If necessary, add a little boiled water. Next drink, 2 times a day. Or can also use brown leaves. Provide a bowl of leaves, then chopped in two glasses of clean water for 15 minutes. Cooking water, then drink three times a day.

For people with sore mouth, immediately grab a bowl of brown leaves. Then chopped in 2 cups water, for 10 minutes. Use boiled water to rinse the results. Meanwhile, to cure dysentery, take 8 young sapodilla fruit, wash clean. Chew-chew fine with salt to taste. Little by little swallow, and drink warm water. Apply 2 times a day until healed.

Based on the research, the leaves and stems contain falvonoida sapodilla. In addition, the leaves also contain saponins and stem also contain tannins. These substances are taking an important role, in curing the diseases above.
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Kang Chandra
My name is Chandra Kurniawan, Now I still continue my school at Vocational High School 2 in Indonesia, I want to explore our knowledge that related with technology computer and bye....


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